"The charisma that Master Marco displayed in the ring as a world champion translates perfectly to the conference room or the board room. He is captivating and brings everyone in, only to knock them out with his message! Master Marco weaves the lessons he learned from his youth, his homelessness, his training, and his world championships into business and life-changing messages. The team at Horizon Consulting loved him. Thank you Master Marco!"

Stephen R. Coakley
Principal, Horizon Consulting
"Marco Sies has the unique ability to captivate an audience and get their attention again, and again and again. Through his understanding of basic human behavior he guides the listener through their own journey of personal growth. You will learn how to apply the principles of earning seven world championships in the first seven minutes. The Master Method is masterful. Marco Sies is remarkable!"

Dr. Joe Kravitz
Author of "Dirty Mouth" and "The 3-Minute Implant"
President and CEO, Potomac House Publishing