tv program
The Master Method television program, hosted by Master Marco Sies, spotlights
inspirational success stories and provides viewers with extremely valuable tools
to achieve their own successes.    
In his book, The Master Method--4 Steps to Success, Prosperity and Inner
Peace, Master Marco compiled thousands of years of ancient success methods
into four easy-to-follow steps for achievement in every area of life--finances,
career, relationships, health and inner development. The television program
further highlights these steps, in addition to showcasing incredible success
stories of people who have overcome challenges such as financial hardships,
health tragedies, difficulties in relationships, and career obstacles, to become
successful, happy and at peace.
Tune in Mondays and Wednesdays at 6pm (In the Washington DC area:
Montgomery Channel 16) and watch The Master Method to learn secrets and
advice tips for great achievement.
Master Marco would love to hear from you! Please email him at: with your questions, comments and success
stories. We may discuss them on the air or even invite you to be a guest on the show!
COMING SOON: Watch current and past episodes right here!
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The Master Method Book